Let us to present for you a new project from Coldbeans: JMX HTML adaptor. This application is a generic JMX adaptor implemented as a set of custom tags driven JSP pages (actually it is less than 500 lines) and could be used with any application server with JMX support. And because it is JSP you can easily incorporate them into your own applications. It is for example a typical screenshot (for JBoss server):
JMX adaptor gives to the J2EE developers and administrators HTML based user interface to access, manage, and monitor the JMX based services:
Actually, the whole application is just a set of custom JSP tags from Coldbeans. See Related products. So this application plays a role of Blueprint for our Coldtags suite.
- application server with JMX support
- browser with DHTML support (tested with IE 5.5+ and NN 4.61+)
Adaptor is a standard web application (.war file). So you can download jmx-html.war and deploy it on your server. (E.g. for JBoss just save this file in deploy directory of your server). Now you can run it: http://your_server/jmx-html.
Your feedback: opinions/suggestions/wish list/claim etc. is more than welcome. So do not hesitate to contact us jmx@servletsuite.com
For downloading:
Application: jmx-html.war
Related products:
Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.
Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Coldbeans Software is independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
JMX suite - JMX widgets for application servers