Custom JSP taglib lets you rotate ads on a website, even when the page is not reloaded. If your visitor will spend more time on a page, it makes sense to opt-in for displaying more than one ad at one page load. Ad (or banner) here is a piece of HTML, rather than just image. Using HTML chunks you can present
your ad as a formatted text, image etc.
<script language="JavaScript" src="cjajax.js"></script> <%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="a" %> <a:AjaxBanner url="/servlet/NextAdd" timeout="120"> your initial ad chunk is here </a:AjaxBanner> Here tag displays an initial ad chunk, waits 120 seconds and requests a next chunk. Your server-side can return a next ad chunk (just a text) or XML code with ad chunk and timeout for the next request. More precisely: your server side can return either XML or plain text. In case of XML output taglib assumes that XML tag content contains
a next ad block and XML tag timeout contains a new timeout (in seconds). For example:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <banner> <content><img src="ad.gif"></content> <reload>60</reload> </banner> In case of plain text it will be displayed as a new ad and default timeout will be used for the next request. Negative value for the timeout means a permanent output (no next request will be raised). You can assign some id to your ad block and request next ad block in JavaScript. Function name is
getNextAdChunk_yourId() (yourId here is id for your block). For example:
<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="a" %> <a:AjaxBanner id="block1" url="/servlet/NextAdd" timeout="120"> your initial ad chunk is here </a:AjaxBanner> <script language="JavaScript"> getNextAdChunk_block1(); </script> Tags are: AjaxBanner Body tag lets you rotate ads without page reloading. Parameters are: 1) id Optional parameter. Describes a CSS/DHTML id for your ad block.
for downloading: Library: ajaxbannertag.jar Description: taglib.tld JavaScript library: cjajax.js See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.
Also in Coldtags: