Custom JSP taglib. Tags let you display control for color selection.
This control lets you preview available colors as well as select some value (as soon as you click on it).
For example:
and you will get some like this:
In this case control's name (test in the above mentioned example) describes a request parameter that will keep a value for selected color
Tags are:
Tag outputs color choosing control. Parameters are:
1) formName Optional parameter. Describes a name for HTML form this control belongs to.
2) name Optional parameter. Describes a name for control. Default value
is selectedColor
3) title Optional parameter. Describes a tooltip
4) width Optional parameter. Describes a width for control
5) height Optional parameter. Describes a height for control
6) autoSubmit Optional parameter. Possible values are true and false. Enables/disables form submission after selection.
Default value is false (disabled).
7) onClick Optional parameter. Describes a name for custom JavaScript function. This function
will accept a selected color as a parameter
for downloading:
Library: coltag.jar Description: taglib.tld
See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.
Related links: