Custom checkbox taglib ver. 1.1

    Custom JSP taglib lets you display a checkbox input field with images. For example:

<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="ch" %>

<ch:CustomCheckbox name="a" value="1">I like it</ch:CustomCheckbox>

and you will get some like this:

0I like it

Tags are:


Body tag lets you display a customized checkbox. Parameters are:

1) name Describes a name for your checkbox
2) value Optional parameter. Describes a value for your checkbox
3) imageOn Optional parameter. Describes an "on" image. Default value is checkboxOn.jpg
4) imageOff Optional parameter. Describes an "off" image. Default value is checkboxOff.jpg
5) width Optional parameter. Describes a width for your image. Default value is 19
6) height Optional parameter. Describes a height for your image. Default value is 19
7) checked Optional parameter. Describes an initial state for your checkbox. Possible values are true or false. Default value is false.
8) onClick Optional parameter. Describes a JavaScript code that will be executed in case of mouse click.

for downloading:

Library: customchktag.jar    Description: taglib.tld

Default images: checkboxOn.jpg checkboxOff.jpg

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See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.