EJB taglib ver. 1.3

    Custom JSP taglib. This taglib provides tags that assist you in accessing EJB.

For example:

<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="ejb" %>

<!-- get Home interface -->
<ejb:getHome name="ejb/TestSession" type="com.cj.ejb.TestSession" id="myBean"/>

<!-- now you can use myBean -->

Tags are:


Custom tag lets you get a home interface for beans. Parameters are:

1) name JNDI name (excluding java:comp/env/)
2) type class type for your bean
3) id Describes a name for variable (type is described in parameter type).
4) scope Optional parameter. Describes a scope for retrieved data. Possible values are page, request, session, application. Default value is page.
5) contextId Optional parameter. Lets you use JNDI taglib for getting initial context and reuse obtained data here.
6) contextIdScope Optional parameter. Describes a scope for contextId. Possible values are page, request, session, application. Default value is page.


Custom tag lets you get a local home interface for beans. Parameters are:

1) name JNDI name (excluding java:comp/env/)
2) type class type for your bean
3) id Describes a name for variable (type is described in parameter type).
4) scope Optional parameter. Describes a scope for retrieved data. Possible values are page, request, session, application. Default value is page.
5) contextId Optional parameter. Lets you use JNDI taglib for getting initial context and reuse obtained data here.
6) contextIdScope Optional parameter. Describes a scope for contextId. Possible values are page, request, session, application. Default value is page.

for downloading:

Library: ejbtag.jar    Description: taglib.tld

© Coldbeans      Comments?

See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.