Feedburner taglib ver. 1.1

    Custom JSP tags library lets you obtain stat info for any Feedburner feed. Circulation shows the number of subscribers Feedburner records a hit each time someone loads your feed in a web browser, feed reader or other program. When bots and automated services request your feed, that also counts as a hit. Reach is the total number of people who have taken action — viewed or clicked — on the content in your feed.

For example (it is a feed for our blog):

<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="f" %>

Circulation: <%=idCirculation%> Hits: <%=idHits%>
Reach: <%=idReach%>

Tags are:


Body tag lets you obtain stat info from Feedburner. Tag uses own body as a name for the feed. Alternatively, you can set name via attribute. Attributes are:

1) proxyHost Optional attribute. Describes proxy settings for your host
2) proxyPort Optional attribute. Describes proxy settings for your host
3) name Optional attribute. Describes a name for your feed
3) idCirculation Optional attribute. Describes a name for your page scope variable for circulation counter (type is java.lang.Integer). Default value is idCirculation
4) idHits Optional attribute. Describes a name for your page scope variable for hits counter (type is java.lang.Integer). Default value is idHits
5) idReach Optional attribute. Describes a name for your page scope variable for reach counter (type is java.lang.Integer). Default value is idReach

for downloading:

Library: feedburnertag.jar    Description: taglib.tld

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See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.

Also in Coldtags: