Custom JSP taglib. Lets you obtain the geocoding data from Google.
For example:
<html> <%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="g" %> <p:GoogleGeocode address="Palo Alto" key="your_key_from_google"/> Status code: <%=status%> Latitude: <%=latitude%> Longitude: <%=longitude%> </html> Tag GoogleGeocode creates 3 page scope variables: status (type is java.lang.Integer) - describes a status of your request.
You can use this taglib in your mashup applications for maps. A key for your web applications could be obtained from Google here. Taglib incorporates code for dealing with Google's geocode restrictions: one geocode request every 1.73 seconds. Tags are: GoogleGeocode. Body tag requests geocoding data from Google. Attributes are: 1) address - describes an address for search
for downloading: Library: googlegeocodetag.jar Description: taglib.tld See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.
Also in Coldtags: