Lifetime taglib ver. 1.3

    You have to use this custom JSP taglib with Lifetime filter. Lifetime filter lets you restrict the lifetime for HTTP sessions and this taglib lets you read associated time information right from your JSP pages. For example:

<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="lt" %>

You have <lt:getLifeTime /> seconds for your work

Tags are:


Tag prints (saves in the page scope variable) session time (how long this session is alive) in seconds

1) id Optional parameter. Describes a name for page scope variable (type is java.lang.Long). Without this parameter tag just prints data.


Tag prints (saves in the page scope variable) lifetime for session (how long this session will be alive) in seconds

1) id Optional parameter. Describes a name for page scope variable (type is java.lang.Long). Without this parameter tag just prints data.

for downloading:

Library: lifetimeflt.jar    Description: taglib.tld

© Coldbeans      Comments?

See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.


Also in Coldtags: