Custom JSP taglib. This taglib lets you generate a list of rotated elements.
List items will be automatically rotated by the timer. For example:
and you will get this:
Tags are:
Body tag generates a list of rotated items. Attributes are:
1) id Optional attribute. Describes a CSS/DHTML id for your list
2) className Optional attribute. Describes a CSS class.
3) style Optional attribute. Describes a CSS style.
4) delay Optional attribute. Describes a delay (in milliseconds) for items.
Default value is 2000.
5) source Optional parameter. Describes a collection, iterator, enumeration or array
6) name Optional parameter. Describes a bean in page (request, session, application) scope that
keeps collection, iterator, enumeration or array.
Body tag describes an item. Attributes are:
1) className Optional attribute. Describes a CSS class.
2) style Optional attribute. Describes a CSS style.
for downloading:
Library: listscrolltag.jar Description: taglib.tld
© Coldbeans Software Comments?
See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.