Outlook taglib ver. 1.7

    Custom JSP taglib lets you provide Outlook-style calendar in your web applications. For example:

<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="o" %>

<script language="JavaScript">
function setEvent(h1,m1,h2,m2)
  alert("time cell is "+h1+":"+m1+"-"+h2+":"+m2);

<o:outlook onClick="setEvent" start="9" end="19">
<o:event start="9:30" end="11:00">Meeting 1</o:event>
<o:event start="10:00" end="10:30">Meeting 2</o:event>
<o:event start="13:30" end="14:00">Lunch</o:event>
<o:event start="15" end="17:30">Review for new components
in <a href="http://www.servletsuite/com/jsp.htm" target="_blank">Coldtags suite</a>

and you will get some like this:

Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Review for new components in Coldtags suite

Taglib lets you customize calendar's look and feel via CSS, as well as provide your own JavaScript events. The following parameters are fixed in the current version:

time step: 30 minutes
cell height: 20px

Note: the evaluation version displays up to 5 events.

Tags are:


Body tag displays a time schedule. Parameters are:

1) width Optional parameter. Describes a width for your calendar. Default value is 500px.
2) start Optional parameter. Describes a start time (in hours). Possible values are 0-24. Default value is 8.
3) end Optional parameter. Describes an end time (in hours). Possible values are 0-24. Default value is 23.
4) className Optional parameter. Describes a CSS class for this control.
5) style Optional parameter. Describes a CSS style for this control. Default value is font-size:8pt.
6) defaultEventBackground Optional parameter. Describes a default background color for your events. Default value is #FFFFFF
7) defaultSelectedEventBackground Describes a default background color for the selected (mouse is over) events. Default value is #DCDCDC
8) cellBackground Optional parameter. Describes a default color for your time cells. Default value is #FFFFD5.
9) cellSelectedBackground Optional parameter. Describes a a default color for the selected (mouse is over) time cells. Default value is #FFFFD5.
10) cellBorder Optional parameter. Describes a border for your cells. Default value is 1px solid #F3E4B1.
11) hourBorder Optional parameter. Describes a separator (border) for hours. Default value is 1px solid #EAC098
12) defaultEventMark Optional parameter. Describes a color that marks your events at the right side. Default value is #0000FF
13) onClick Optional parameter. Describes a name for your JavaScript function that will be called in case of mouse click. This function must accept 4 integer parameters: hours for the initial time, minutes for the initial time, hours for the end and minutes for the end.
14) timeFormat Optional parameter. Describes a format for the time scale. Possible values are 1 (0-23 time format) or 2 (1-12 time format). Default value is 1.


Body tag describes your HTML (JSP) code for the event. Parameters are:

1) start Describes a start time for this event. Time must be described in the following format: hh:mm
2) end Describes an end time for this event. Time must be described in the following format: hh:mm
3) className Optional parameter. Describes a CSS class for this event.
4) style Optional parameter. Describes a CSS style for this event. Default value is overflow:auto;padding:2px;.
5) eventBackground Optional parameter. Describes a background color for this event.
6) selectedEventBackground Describes a background color for the selected (mouse is over) event.
7) eventMark Optional parameter. Describes a color that marks this event at the right side.
8) onClick Optional parameter. Describes a name for your JavaScript function that will be called in case of mouse click. This function must accept 4 integer parameters: hours for the initial time, minutes for the initial time, hours for the end and minutes for the end.
9) cond Optional parameter. Describes a boolean value tag's behavior depends on. Default value is true (add event).

for downloading:

 Library: outlooktag.jar     Description: taglib.tld  

 © Coldbeans      Comments?

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See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.

Also in Coldtags: