Custom JSP taglib for paging. This taglib takes some data and dynamically splits up this information into several pieces (pages) as well as generates automatically an index for available pages. You have seen some like this many times in any search engine for example: a list of data plus some index with links to next pages. So body tag paging is a common wrapper. Body tag item describes a repeatable element (piece of data). Body tag index is a
wrapper for the generated index. For example, suppose you have to split file search.jsp :
<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="pg" %> <pg:paging> <% for (int i=1; i<=100; i++) { %> <pg:item> your data ... </pg:item> <% } %> <pg:index> <pg:page><%=thisPage%></pg:page> </pg:index> </pg:paging> Just for example this page contains a loop that prints 100 times you data. Tag paging will print
the first 20 of them (default page size is 20) and the index that looks so:
where links are search.jsp?pageNum=2, search.jsp?pageNum=3 etc. (by default tag paging uses the same URL for index and default
name for page number parameter is pageNum). You can redefine all the elements we used here by default. For example, you can provide your own URL for
index pages (it is a parameter url for tag paging) as well as a new name for page number parameter (it is a parameter idPage):
<pg:paging idPage="p" url="/home/newPage.jsp?action=next"> ... </pg:paging> and links for your index will be: /home/newPage.jsp?action=next&p=2, /home/newPage.jsp?action=next&p=3 etc. also you can provide in this attribute a name for your JavaScript function that will be used in the index. This function must accept one parameter: page number.
<pg:paging idPage="p" url="javascript:yourFunction"> ... </pg:paging> and links for your index will be: yourFunction(2), yourFunction(3) etc. Tag paging defines two page scope variables. The name for first variable will be described by the parameter idPage (default name is pageNum), type is java.lang.Integer. You can use this variable as a reference to the current page number (within the tag's body or outside it). The second variable is lastPage (will be available outside of the tag, type is java.lang.Integer) describes the last page number. Automatically generated index is also configurable. For example, you can replace a default title (Pages:):
<pg:index title="More:"> ... </pg:index> or
<pg:index> <pg:title>More:</pg:title> ... </pg:index> Body tag page lets you define the content for links in your index. It the above mentioned example it was just a number of page. The hyperlink itself (<a href=...) will be generated automatically. Tag skips this generation for the current page (page you are viewing right now). You can restrict a number of pages in you index and add (Next,Prev) pair of links to the next (previous) portion of pages. Body tags prevPages and nextPages
describe content for such links. For example:
<pg:index> <pg:nextPages>[Next]</pg:nextPages> <pg:prevPages>[Prev]</pg:prevPages> ... </pg:index> Body tags firstPage and lastPage describe content for the first (last) link. Tag page describes a nested page scope variable you can use as a reference for the page number in the generated link. The name for this variable is thisPage and type is java.lang.Integer. Tags are: paging Body tag splits data and generates index. Parameters are: 1) idPage Optional parameter. Describes a name for the parameter with the current page number.
Default value is pageNum.
item Body tag describes an item (a repeatable element of data). Parameters are: 1) invokeAll Optional parameter. Possible values are true or false. If this value is false tag will skip completely all the items that are out of the scope for the current page. Otherwise items will be executed always but output for out of the scope items will be suppressed. Default value is true. index Body tag describes an index (links for pages). Parameters are: 1) title Optional parameter. Describes a title (caption) for index. Default value is Pages:. title Body tag describes a title (caption) for index. Parameters are: none page Body tag describes how the link for the next page looks like. Parameters are: none firstPage Body tag describes how the link for the first index looks like. Parameters are: none nextPages Body tag describes how the link for the next portion of index looks like. Parameters are: none prevPages Body tag describes how the link for the previous portion of index looks like. Parameters are: none lastPage Body tag describes how the link for the last index looks like. Parameters are: none for downloading: Library: pagertag.jar Description: taglib.tld See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.
Also in Coldtags: