Popunder filter ver. 1.3

This is a Java servlet filter (as per Servlet API 2.3). PopunderFilter lets you add JavaScript popup to all responses. And new window will be opened below your main screen. For example, you may show some advertising, announces etc. Initial parameters for this filter describe your own settings for JavaScript window.

How to use it:

a) download popunderflt.jar and save it in WEB-INF/lib

b) describe this filter in web.xml. There are two initial parameters:
url - describes URL for your popup's
window - describes settings for JavaScript's window
for example:

    <param-value>width=530, height=300, location=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resize=yes, top=30, left=30</param-value>

c) describe a mapping for this filter in web.xml


in this case filter will be on for the each .jsp file. And for the each request filter will add the following JavaScript code to the given response:

<script language="JavaScript">
 pu=window.open('http://www.acme.com/banner.cgi', 'PopunderFilter', 'width=530, height=300, location=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resize=yes, top=30, left=30');
 pu.blur(); window.focus();

   For downloading:
    Filter:  popunderflt.jar

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See also JSOS - the largest collection of servlets and filters.

Also in JSOS: