Quote taglib ver. 1.7

    Custom JSP tag. This tag lets you request stock quotes from the Net (http://finanace.yahoo.com) and proceed extracted values in your JSP pages.

For example:
Suppose you need to read stock quote for JAVA (Sun Microsystems):

<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="get" %>

<get:Quote symbol="JAVA" id="A" />

Last trade: <%=A.get(2)%> <%=A.get(3)%>
Last value: <%=A.get(1)%>
Change: <%=A.get(4)%>
Volume: <%=A.get(8)%>
Chart: <img src="<%=A.get(9)%>"/>


Tags are:


Extracts stock quote for the given symbol. Tag stores extracted values in the page scope array list. Parameters are:

1) symbol stock symbol
2) proxyHost Optional parameter. Describes proxy settings for your system.
3) proxyPort Optional parameter. Describes proxy settings for your system.
4) id name for the page scope variable. It will be an array (java.util.ArrayList). Elements are:
0 - symbol
1 - last price
2 - date
3 - time
4 - change
5 - open
6 - high
7 - low
8 - volume
9 - small chart URL
10 - big chart URL

for downloading:

Library: quotetag.jar    Description: taglib.tld

 © Coldbeans      Comments?

See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.

Also in Coldtags: