Speech quote taglib ver. 1.2

    Custom JSP tag. Renders a specific UI elements: speech bubble. You may use this tag for quotes in your forums, blogs etc. For example:

<%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="q" %>
<q:SpeechQuote author="Coldbeans software">
  Coldtags Suite provides the largest set of custom JSP tags

and you will get this:

Coldtags Suite provides the largest set of custom JSP tags

Coldbeans software

Tags are:


Body tag renders a specific UI elements: speech bubble. Parameters are:

1) id Optional parameter. Describes a CSS/DHTML id.
2) border Optional parameter. Describes a style for border. Default value is 1px solid #c9c2c1
3) background Optional parameter. Describes a color for background. Default value is #fff
4) fontSize Optional parameter. Describes a font size. Default value is 0.75em
5) picture Optional parameter. Describes a picture. Default value is tip.gif.
6) author Describes a text for author
7) cond Optional attribute. Describes a boolean value tag's behavior depends on. Default value is true (draw quote)

for downloading:

Library: squotetag.jar    Description: taglib.tld  Default image: Quote image

 © Coldbeans      Comments?

See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.

Also in Coldtags: