Custom JSP taglib lets you implement tabbar. It is similar to
Tab taglib but the tabs of a tabbar have no
content (body). For example, in your JSP page you may have some like this:
<t:tabbar id="tb1" width="400px">
<t:tab selected="true" left="0" title="tooltip for tab 1"> Tab 1</t:tab>
<t:tab left="91" title="tooltip for tab 2"> Tab 2</t:tab>
<t:tab left="182" script="alert('Hi!');"> Tab 3</t:tab>
and you will get some like this:
For tabs you may provide your own CSS class (classes). Taglib may use also some default values for CSS parameters.
By default taglib uses the following CSS settings for tabs:
You may use your own class here of course, but you have to keep this definition position:absolute in your class.
Tags are:
Body tag displays a tabbar panel. Parameters are:
1) id own unique name for your panel
2) width width for panel
3) height height for panel
4) activeColor Optional parameter. Describes a color for the selected tab.
Default value is #d3d3d3
5) inactiveColor Optional parameter. Describes a color for the inactive tab.
Default value is #e8e8e8
Body tag describes an individual tab. Parameters are:
1) selected Optional parameter. Possible values are
true or false. Defines a selected panel. Default value is false
and the first described panel will be selected.
2) enabled Optional parameter. Possible values are
true or false. Describes a possibility to select this panel. Default
value is true.
3) className Optional parameter. Describes your
own CSS class for this panel. See above about default values
4) script Optional parameter. Describes your
own JavaScript code that will be executed when this panel is selected.
5) action Optional parameter. Describes your
own action (URL) that will be requested when this panel is selected.
6) width Optional parameter. Describes a width for
this tab. Default value is 90px
7) height Optional parameter. Describes a height for
this tab. Default value is 30px
8) left Optional parameter. Describes a left coordinate
for this tab (in pixels). Default value is 0 for the first tab and for the each next it will be
calculated automatically by tab's width.
9) title Optional parameter. Describes a tooltip for this tab.
By default is empty.
Note: the evaluation version supports up to 3 tabs
for downloading:
Library: tabbartag.jar Description: taglib.tld
© Coldbeans Software Comments?
See also Coldtags suite - the largest collection of custom JSP tags.
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