3.8 1.1 Calendar tag http://www.servletsuite.com/servlets/caltag Displays calendar Calendar com.cj.caltag.calendarTag com.cj.caltag.intVariables JSP displays calendar month false true year false true locale false true style false true className false true header false true setNextMonth com.cj.caltag.setNextMonth JSP sets link for the next month setNextMonthClass com.cj.caltag.setNextMonthClass JSP sets css class for the next month setNextMonthStyle com.cj.caltag.setNextMonthStyle JSP sets css style for the next month setNextMonthBody com.cj.caltag.setNextMonthBody JSP sets body for the next month link setPrevMonth com.cj.caltag.setPrevMonth JSP sets link for the previous month setPrevMonthBody com.cj.caltag.setPrevMonthBody JSP sets body for the previous month link setPrevMonthClass com.cj.caltag.setPrevMonthClass JSP sets css class for the prev month setPrevMonthStyle com.cj.caltag.setPrevMonthStyle JSP sets css style for the prev month setDateStyle com.cj.caltag.setDateStyle JSP sets style for date/dates day false true setDateClass com.cj.caltag.setDateClass JSP sets class for date/dates day false true setSundayStyle com.cj.caltag.setSundayStyle JSP sets style for Sunday prevail false true setSundayClass com.cj.caltag.setSundayClass JSP sets class for Sunday prevail false true setSaturdayStyle com.cj.caltag.setSaturdayStyle JSP sets style for Saturday prevail false true setSaturdayClass com.cj.caltag.setSaturdayClass JSP sets class for Saturday prevail false true setDateBody com.cj.caltag.setDateBody com.cj.caltag.dateBodyTei JSP sets body for date/dates day false true setLinkStyle com.cj.caltag.setLinkStyle JSP sets style for date/dates hyperlink day false true setLinkClass com.cj.caltag.setLinkClass JSP sets class for date/dates hyperlink day false true setTitleStyle com.cj.caltag.setTitleStyle JSP sets style for title day false true setTitleClass com.cj.caltag.setTitleClass JSP sets class for title day false true setTitleFormat com.cj.caltag.setTitleFormat JSP sets format for the title day false true length false true setHeaderClass com.cj.caltag.setHeaderClass JSP sets class for header setHeaderStyle com.cj.caltag.setHeaderStyle JSP sets style for header setHeaderFormat com.cj.caltag.setHeaderFormat JSP sets format for header setLink com.cj.caltag.setLink JSP sets hyperlink day false true cond false true setTarget com.cj.caltag.setTarget JSP sets target frame for hyperlink day false true setField com.cj.caltag.setField JSP sets field for date day false true format false true window false true multiple false true