Coldbeans Software - about us
About us







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Coldbeans Software - is a start-up team offers a rich set of web controls (custom JSP tags, servlets, filters) for Java(tm) technology. Why our name is Coldbeans? As seems to us prefix "Hot" is more suitable for hot places like California. But we are from Russia and that is the point !

Coldbeans Software was founded by Dmitry Namiot in Jan, 2000*. Mr. Namiot holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and has got 16 years of professional experience. Before founding Coldbeans he worked for several companies including such giants as Sprint and Sun Microsystems. Coldbeans Software is 100% oriented to Java programming.

Currently our headquarter is in Moscow, Russia.

For contacts: blog   twitter   email

Related products

1. Geo Messages - a new way for sharing location info for mobile users

2. You can see a list of our innovative mobile services here

3. A huge collection of our mashups (Google Maps, search, Twitter, messaging) is here

Investor relations

Coldbeans Software has been funded from private sources. If you are interested in investing in Coldbeans or have a related inquiry please contact Dmitry Namiot at

* Coldbeans Software is formerly Coldjava. Name has been changed to satisfy Sun's trademark restrictions.

© Coldbeans 2000 - 2015

*Coldbeans Software is formerly Coldjava

Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Coldbeans Software is independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc.